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200,000+ customers served | 10,000 verified professionals | Fast confirmation | After-service warranty
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Since 2014, Recommend.my has become the go-to place for thousands of Malaysians to find home improvement pros. Our panel consists of over 10,000 contractors across Malaysia, with thousands of projects completed to date.
Enjoy year-round home repairs and cleaning at unbeatable value!
As a member, you'll enjoy priority service from our team of skilled professionals, ensuring your home stays in perfect condition. Plus, get exclusive 15% discount on all repairs, big or small.
This membership isn't just a plan, it's a commitment to your home's well-being and your peace of mind. Join now and start saving on every repair. It's smart, simple, and cost-effective!
Services include: Aircon service, home cleaning, plumber, handyman, electrician, sofa/mattress cleaning, fridge/washing machine repair; and more!